Iraq: Both Obama and Clinton said they support ending the war.
Healthcare: "It is so important that as Democrats, we carry the banner of universal health care"
Immigration: Both support Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR):
1. tighten our borders
2. crack down on employer who exploit workers, both those who are undocumented and those who are here as citizens, or legal, if we can do more to help local communities cope with the cost that they often have to contend with, if we do more to help our friends to the south create more jobs for their own people, and if we take what we know to be the realities that we confront.
3. For the 12 to 14 million people here:
a. come out of the shadows
b. register everyone. if felonious criminal, deport.
c. Vast Majority, path to legalization by paying fine, pay back taxes, learn English, wait in line.
d. Against MASS Deportation: "Voices from the other side of the aisle... are living in some other universe, talking about deporting people, rounding them up...Don´t Agree!"
Once we have those conditions met.. then, they will not be in a labor market that undercuts anybody else's wages.
1. Driver´s License Now: Obama Yes, Hillary No - wait for CIR
2. Impact to African American wages: Obama - "All poor are feeling economically insecure right now. Attributing Innercity poverty to immigrants is scapegoating." Hillary - "employers who exploit undocumented workers and drive down wages, there are job losses...So, I know that what we have to do is to bring our country together to have a comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) solution."
Best One-Liners:
. "It did take a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush, and I think it might take another one to clean up after the second Bush," she said.
. The Republicans are going to call you "tax-and-spend" liberal Democrats, and that's a charge that's been effective in the past. How are you going to counter that charge? OBAMA: "Well, first of all, I don't think the Republicans are going to be in a real strong position to argue fiscal responsibility, when they have added $4 trillion or $5 trillion worth of national debt. I am happy to have that argument."
. CNN's Wolf Blitzer noted that many Democrats have said they'd like to see a Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton ticket in November. (Neither ruled out the possibility of selecting the other as a running mate. )