Leading Republican Pundit Mike Murphy agrees: "As I wrote in this space two years ago, Republicans need to learn that we no longer hold our presidential elections in Ronald Reagan's America. Here are the numbers: in 1980, white voters cast 88% of the total presidential vote; by 2008, the percentage had shrunk to 74%. Which is why, though George W. Bush in 2000 and John McCain in 2008 both won 55% of the white vote, McCain lost by 7 points and Bush essentially tied Al Gore. Worse for the GOP, the proportion of overall votes cast by white voters will decline even more in 2012. Latinos are rapidly redrawing the demographic playing field. In 2008, Obama won the Latino vote by 36 points. His massive fundraising machine is preparing to spend millions registering even more Latinos to vote. This will have a powerful impact in the vital Western swing states of Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, all of

The Pew Research organization said, "Hispanics voted for Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden over Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin by a margin of more than two-to-one in the 2008 presidential election, 67% versus 31%, according to an analysis by the Pew Hispanic Center of exit polls from Edison Media Research as published by CNN. The Center's analysis also finds that 9% of the electorate was Latino, as indicated by the national exit poll. This is higher, by one percentage point, than the share in the 2004 national exit poll."
Both Murphy's analysis and the Pew statistics make it very clear. Latino Votes will have a major impact on the election. So who will win in 2012? If the Republicans hope to have a shred of chance, they must do as Murphy suggests: they MUST SHED their Nativism and attract more Latinos, or the Electoral College math becomes prohibitive."
Looking at the the Republican Candidate field, the Tea Party Favorites, the extreme right wing candidates, DO NOT HAVE A HOPE of attracting a single Latino Vote! Look at them! Look at their agendas! Republican's only hope is a Centrist Republican. However, the Tea Party calls the Centrists RINOs and refuse to back them. Instead, they stand behind the far right wing extremists who don't stand a shadow (or white hood) of a chance!

The extreme rights' think tanks have to know this information. If what has happened in the last two years is any indicator of what will happen after Obama's probable reelection, we can expect more violence, more racism, more white supremacy and nationalism especially at the state and local levels ... http://www.frankslechuga.com/
the real question for Hispanics voters is who is going to fund the welfare state when the number of working whites in the U.S. is shrinking. Given their history, which country will the poor Hispanic immigrate to after the U.S. economy collapses?
The extreme right does know this but obviously the extremists do not care.
If they have their way, they will select a Palin or a Sanctorum as Candidate and LOSE! This only makes it worse for them in 2016. They are on their last legs.
It is attitudes like yours that is pushing the right wing extremists over a cliff.
Latinos in our great country are like everyone else. We are hard working and have helped nation build this great country of ours. We are family focused. We support the military. We are contributors.
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