The blogosphere is abuzz and rumor has it she will take her past media experience and go back in front of the cameras. Since she hates criticism, she will go to Fox News and sit beside the slobbering Sean Hannity. Hannity's ratings have suffered since McComb left and since Glenn Beck came to the network. Network exec's believe the pairing of Hannity & Palin will resurrect Hannity to the number one spot again.
From Palin's perspective, she will build her national audience, increase her book sales and speaking fees, and take the next couple of years to decide if she has the support to run for President in 2012.
If the blogosphere is correct, Fox may call the show "The Hannity & Palin Lovefest!" ... see the lovelight in his eyes?
PS: Just a side note. Some news reports are speculating her resignation may be due to a major embezzlement scandal about to erupt involving construction projects in her home town of Wasilla, Alaska. Time will tell which of these rumors are the real reason for her sudden resignation.
The Devil is going to eat an Angel, This is rebellion against God and Fall from Heaven into Hell.
I feel sorry and pity for Sarah Palin. She is more humane and kind than Sean Hannity .... She is not a Racist and Hater of Minorities. She is not unkind.
She deserves a lot more in life than being in the claws of a Racist Merchant of Hate and Peddler of Fear.
And a Guy that preaches constant imbecility. The Repudiation of Reason, Kindness and Soundness in favor of Cruelty, Sadism and Racism.
I hope that Sarah does not accept a pact with the Devil. The Devil demands the soul.
And she will become a stooge in a slapstick comedy circus .... Worse than Larry, Moe and Curly of the Black and White Movies ( "The Three Stooges" )
Vicente Duque
She'd make a cute white house maid! Little french maid costume, etc etc...
ups, borrar, borrar!
Videos of Hate : Republican Congressman, Right Wing Idiot calls Michael Jackson Pedophile, Pervert, Child Molester, Low Life, etc ..
Are Republicans dedicated to demean and disparage Minorities ??
And to make enemies for next elections in year 2010 ??
What an irresponsible Hater and Idiot !! -- Pete King is a Republican ( surprise !! ) from New York and is in the House of Representatives.
July 05, 2009
Congressman Pete King feels that we should be honoring the good men and women of our country who have dedicated their lives to helping others and serving our country not Michael Jackson
Pete King speaks out against honoring Michael Jackson
Vicente Duque
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