Chuck Stonex of Shawna Forde's organization Minuteman American Defense just sent this email to Jeff Schwilk of San Diego Minutemen. Stonex hates me and Jeff and sent this to both of us.
Do you think this qualifies as a threat?
William (Gheen - Alipac)
From: Chuck Stonex
To: jeffschwilk
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: Has Gilchrist been Arrested Yet??? New Article
Me stay out of your way so I don't get hurt ??????
Bring it on xxxxxxxx. I'll show you how I got two Army accomodation medals (W/ oak leaf clusters and "V" for valor)and a bronze star.
You need to know and totally understand I am NOT afraid of you or anything that you represent or may have to offer.
"IF" this cowardly act had been planned by me and Gilchrist, the attack would of been at your house or in North Carolina for the good of America. NOT on an innocent family in Arivaca, Arizona.
Bring it on xxxxxxxx. I'll show you how I got two Army accomodation medals (W/ oak leaf clusters and "V" for valor)and a bronze star.
You need to know and totally understand I am NOT afraid of you or anything that you represent or may have to offer.
"IF" this cowardly act had been planned by me and Gilchrist, the attack would of been at your house or in North Carolina for the good of America. NOT on an innocent family in Arivaca, Arizona.
My advice to ALL Tea Partiers: STAY AWAY FROM ALL Minuteman Activities during the July 4th Tea Party Rallies!!! Who knows what will happen next!
It sounds like the other clown made the threat first. Stay our of our way or you'll get hurt? I wonder if Schwilk has a record himself. He's notorious for being pretty aggressive.
William from Alipac has shared the entire exchange:
It starts with Stonex' response email to Schwilk. The 1st email from Schwilk was not shared:
----- Original Message -----
From: Chuck Stonex
To: jeffschwilk
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Has Gilchrist been Arrested Yet??? New Article
Considering how mentally disorganized you are Jeff, I'm not surprised that you believe that. It would take that level of mentality to film and release the videos you have on You tube.
What happened in Arivaca was a very unfortunate thing caused by two cold blooded criminals who made their own personal decision to act that way.
You know as well as I do that no one fueled that or supported that except Shawna and Bush themselves.
Will we be forever associated with her? Maybe. So will every other minuteman just because people like you keep adding to the problem. But you will always be Jeff Schwilk the cross dressing San Diego Minutemen that posted the radical and racial anti immigration videos on You tube and that will NEVER change.
All you are doing Jeff is adding pain to the Flores family and more hatred of the minuteman movement that you are apart of. You are putting every minuteman and their families at risk with this crap. A smart man would know that.
Let it go Jeff. Don't you have anything better to do like maybe getting a job to pay off your law suite because of your inabilities to make proper choices in life?
Personally I gone on to bigger and better things for the "image" of the minuteman movement as a whole. While the rest of you clowns are playing like the immature people you are, I an still trying to find a road to unity and salvation for all minutemen on the border and off.
then schwilk responds:
From: jeffschwilk
To: cstonex
Subject: Re: Has Gilchrist been Arrested Yet??? New Article
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 11:46:55 -0700
LMAO! You are a delusional freak as always. Just stay the V****V out of our way and you won't get hurt.
You ignored our warnings for the past 6 months, but I can assure you this is one warning you shouldn't ignore.
From now on, the radical psychopaths like you and your demi-God Gilchrist and your lust object Shawna will be dealt with much more harshly. Just go away before you do any more damage to our country and our cause. God help you if you ever show up in San Diego County calling for people to bring assault weapons to the border and "shoot first ask questions later". I will personally insure you are dealt with severely if you should ever be so stupid! Stay in New Mexico, crawl back under the rock you were living under before last October and someday people might forget there was ever a freak V******V named Chuck Stonex who strongly encouraged Shawna Forde and her criminal gang to go to Arizona and attack drug cartels and who aided and abetted her for 9 months.
All law enforcement in CA and AZ has been fully informed again about your violent, radical nature and the threats you have made.
Send emails while you can. They won't let you do this when you are in PRISON!
Jeff Schwilk, Founder
Anchor baby births to stop in June 2010 www.TaxpayerRevolution.com
then stonex responds:
From: Chuck Stonex
To: jeffschwilk
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: Has Gilchrist been Arrested Yet??? New Article
Me stay out of your way so I don't get hurt ??????
Bring it on V******V. I'll show you how I got two Army accomodation medals (W/ oak leaf clusters and "V" for valor)and a bronze star.
You need to know and totally understand I am NOT afraid of you or anything that you represent or may have to offer.
I'm not a woman Schwilk.
"IF" this cowardly act had been planned by me and Gilchrist, the attack would of been at your house or in North Carolina for teh good of America. NOT on an innocent family in Arivaca, Arizona.
then schwilk responds back:
Any time any place, Stoneass! V*******V V*****V, coward, child killer! Your Vietnam Vet buddies would pop you in the back of your head if they knew what you did. We'll make sure every VFW and American Legion in New Mexico and Arizona knows all about you and your horrible deeds.
Come to my house and you'll leave in a body bag! Gilly won't even drive the 15 miles south to enter SD County he's so afraid of SDMM. He is more hated in San Diego and SoCal than La Raza! But if you are feeling more brave than he is, c'mon down!
Jeff Schwilk, Founder
Anchor baby births to stop in June 2010 www.TaxpayerRevolution.com
and when gheen's commenters ask him why he got involved in this email mess to begin with, he responds:
Stonex has been attacking me and ALIPAC along with Chelene Nightingale of SOS and Jeff Schwilk of SDMM for several months now since we issued our advisory on Shawna Forde back in early 2009.
Stonex and Gilchrist pretty much have not stopped attacking since then.
Now that Shawna has been charged with murder, Stonex continues to damage things by making comments to the New York Times that looking for illegals is just like hunting animals etc....
Jeff and several of us are trying to dig in on these stories, figure out who knew what, who did what, etc.... and since Gilchrist, Stonex, and Spencer at the heart of this Shawna Forde story there has been an exchange of hostile emails.
I linked to your post from Long Island Wins.
Army Accomodation Medals? There ain't no such animal.
Perhaps Stonex has invented a military past for himself as Forde did for "Gunny" Bush.
There is an Army Commendation Medal though
Gilchrist, Stonex, Gheen,
Let me tell you guys something from a person who has known Shawna longer than all of you put together.
Shawna is a pro at controlling people , in many ways. I can guarantee that she has told lies to you guys because I was there several times when she called you.
I think you all need to calm your asses down and start acting like real men and rethink what the hell you all are arguing about.
Now I personally do not believe that either of you had anything to do with Shawna's decision to commit Murder and burglary. That is something she did on her own. She controlled each one of you just like a puppet on a string.
So stop your fighting ! Your not proving yourselves acting the way you are !
As far as border walls etc ? Well I can remember like it was yesterday your Republican President saying (tear down those walls) It was Reagan telling Gorbachav.
And so now our own country who admires Ronald Reagan Democrat and Republican alike, words mean nothing to you or this country. Man I am ashamed of you guys and none of you with your hot headed anger should be doing anything at the border as you guys are what society call DANGEROUS !
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