Today's Guest Voz is from someone who knew her personally, someone who can help all of us understand the inner psche of Shawna Forde's essence of evil.
Guest Voz: Laura
In 1989 I was married to Anthony (Tony) Eddy. We'd been married 10 1/2 years when he and Shawna (21 at the time) began an affair. She is 10 years younger than I am. Her full name is Shawna Brighton. She bragged about being a prostitute (which obviously attracted my loser husband). When I found out about it, Tony stopped it, but the damage was already done. I filed for divorce.
A month before the divorce was finalized, I got a bill in the mail from the Everett (WA) Clinic which said my pregnancy test was positive. I called and said I hadn't been there for any such test, and they said I had, so I went there in person just to be told that I wasn't Laura Eddy. I talked to Tony a few days later and was telling him of the strange mail and what happened at the Everett Clinic. He then told me that Shawna needed the test and he told her she could use my medical which was through his employment at Bayliner, since I didn't use it because I had my own medical through my employment with Boeing. I was so pissed, I called Bayliner and told them what Tony had done and that they shouldn't pay the bill to the Everett Clinic. We'll that got a ball rolling, and that afternoon Bayliner fired Tony.
Shawna showed up at the gate at my workplace, Boeing, with a small knife and acted like she was stabbing herself in the stomach and she was yelling about killing her baby. I was told she was taken to the hospital. Shawna and Tony got into some kind of altercation after that and he filed assault charges against her.
A notice came in the mail stating that Tony owed Shawna money. It said it was from Kay Anderson of the Snohomish County Clerk's Office. When Tony took the letter to the Clerk's office, I went with him and we were told it was a forgery.
Our divorce became final that week. He called me and told me that he thought she was dangerous. A few weeks later the family told me that Tony married Shawna and dropped the assault charges.
I began receiving bills in the mail from Sears and JC Penney's indicating she stole my identity and had opened accounts in my name. The accounts were closed and I don't know if anything was ever done.
The next time I saw Tony was three years later when he and Shawna were getting divorced. They had 2 kids, Devin and Jazmine. She left them with him.
As soon as the divorce was final, Shawna married Jim Duffey and she took back the kids she had with Tony and Duffey adopted them both. As soon as Duffey found out what kind of person Shawna was, he divorced her. Shawna then married Jim Forde, who divorced her last year after being shot 3 times.
I've been told that Shawna's daughter Jazzy still hangs out with her when she's around, but her son Devin is in Walla Walla prison.
These insider stories provide us an inside look into Shawna Forde's soul. Jim Gilchrist, Glenn Spencer and Chuck Stonex all received an inside and close-up look into this essence of evil. Nevertheless, they allowed her into their groups, into their homes and into their ranks to murder Brisenia Flores, her father, and who knows how many other countless innocent victims of the minutemen!
The Minutemen want to celebrate a "Revival" on July 4 to strengthen their ranks and show contempt for Little Brisenia Flores ( 9 year old ) and her father.
The Brisenia Flores Forum received this post :
Let the Minutemen know we will not be silenced!!
The Minutemen (possibly MCDC, but who knows with how splintered they are) will be holding their 2nd annual "Secure America Now" Rally at Camp Vigilance in San Diego County. As you may have heard, Vigilance is likely the place where Shawna Forde purchased her bulletproof vest and possibly took part in some training (which the minutemen vehemently deny), but without a doubt she did visit the Camp Vigilance facility.
The Secure America Now Event is typical racist propaganda. It is Disgusting that little more than a month after Brisenia's death, the Minutemen can hold an event like this. The event is sponsored by several confirmed racist/hate organizations such as :
Border Patrol Auxiliary (BPAUX.org), Los Angeles Minutemen, Central Coast Minutemen, Desert Cities Minutemen, NorCal Minutemen, SAC Region Minutemen, CA-MCDC, MCCI, BPAUX, Save-Our-State,CCIR California Coalition For Immigration Reform, San Diego Minutemen, Antelope Valley Minutemen.
I believe this would be an atrocity for this event to continue so shortly after the Flores' lives were taken by members of this organization.
Anyone in the San Diego Area should let the organizers of this event know that we will not let them ignore their actions! If this event cannot be stopped, then I hope those in the area will attend the event to force the Minutemen to take responsibility.
contact me at:
or call Camp Vigilance and tell them to Stop their festivities (619) 766- 9094
or attend the event
July 4, 2009 10AM to 10PM
Camp Vigilance, Boulevard CA
directions at
Please post what should be done about this event so soon after the Flores' loss...
Vicente Duque
Please Have a BIG LAUGH !
The idiots of "English Only" ( A Conference in Virginia ) mispelled their banners and Cenk Uygur shows it, and laughs at their Imbecility !
Videos of Cenk Uygur : World's Dumbest Racists
Racist Pat Buchanam. The Great Moron of "English Only"
Cenk Uygur : "Pat Buchanam - How Stupid Can you be ? .... How Idiotic ?"
Several Idiots go to a conference in Virginia, Pat Buchanan and VDARE and other Idiots, Pat Buchanam criticizes Judge Sonia Sotomayor on her English !! ...
And then Pat Buchanam talks about Honors that do not exist.
Pat Buchanam wants laws on "English Only" ..... The Perfection in Imbecility !
The idiots of "English Only" mispelled their banners and Cenk Uygur shows it and laughs heartily, then he makes childish sounds of a Village Idiot !!!
More here :
Vicente Duque
You are correct about the "revival" on the fourth and who do you think is the guest of honor? Great American Patriotic Heroes?
If you find this as contemptible as I do, call the Federal Parole OFfice and demand that permission for these two felons attendance be revoked.
The number is 915-585-6500
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