Since the news of the the Edwards-Hunter affair broke, there is one question that has been haunting me, yet no one is asking. How did a forty four year old woman who has successfully avoided pregnancy for forty four years “accidently” get pregnant, especially four months after the break up?
Ask any woman or gynecologist in America. The odds of a first time pregnancy after 40 are astronomical. For all you novices, a woman starts going through the change in her forties. We are talking about FIRST TIME pregnancy, NOT the pregnancy of a woman who has had several children in her younger years becoming pregnant in her forties. First time pregnancies in your thirties are often difficult and require some type of fertilization method. So how on earth did Hunter get pregnant after a quickie? Lets study the history of events.
Feb 2006: Hunter, Edwards meet in a NY Bar.
July 2006: Hunter begins working for Edwards campaign. (4 webisodes)
Dec 28, 2006: Edwards announces he will run for President.
Dec 30, 2006: Mrs Edwards learns of affair and confronts her husband.
Dec 31, 2006: Hunters last day on payroll.
Early 2007: Webisodes removed from Edwards website.
April, 2007: The 14K Final Payoff to Hunter.
May 23, 2007 Hunter is impregnated (40 week gestation period)
Oct. 10, 2007 The National Enquirer reports about the Edwards affair.
Oct 11, 2007 Edwards first denial
Oct – Dec 2007: Limbaugh is first to rant about Edwards affair.
Dec 19, 2007: The National Enquirer publishes photos of pregnant Hunter.
Feb 27, 2008: Baby Hunter is born in Santa Barbara, CA. No Baby Daddy listed on birth certificate.
July 21, 2008: The National Enquirer reports Edwards visits Hunter at Hotel.
Aug 8, 2008: Edwards admits to Affair.
The record shows Hunter was off payroll 1-1-07. She was off payroll, broiling with anger for four months. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned! She believes she lost him back to his wife. What if she decided to contact her old bar room buddy Limbaugh? Together they cook up a scheme. They both know her story has no legs unless a baby is born. Having a baby will increase the timeline and bring them much closer to the 2008 election, serve as an “October Surprise” and would make good press! But she is 43 years old. They can´t take any chances. She has to obtain his sperm to ensure a pregnancy through In Vitro Fertilization.
Records from Edward´s One America PAC show the $14K payoff in April, 2007. Can you imagine? Hunter calling Edwards. I need $14K. The tabloids are hounding me about the affair. She convinces him to come to her hotel alone. Bring the $14K. He goes. She convinces him to have a quickie. He leaves his condom behind. She places it in a freezer in the room. The doctor friend of Limbaugh´s conducts the procedures in private. No records.
Think of Edwards story. The timeline! He is convinced it is NOT his baby because his last quickie with her was in April. She is not impregnated until late May. His ego does not allow him to consider IVF.
The story fits! One thing is clear. Her pregnancy was NO ACCIDENT!
There may be another reason Hunter does not want to do have the baby´s DNA checked out. She is over 40. What if they attempted using her eggs and they could not be fertilized? What if they used someone younger´s eggs for the fertilization? What if SHE is NOT the Mother?
Investigative reports should study the timeline and the May impregnation. If a doctor was involved for the In Vitro, then it should not be too difficult to locate him. (or her)
One more word about Limbaugh. Limbaugh and the National Enquirer are both based in Florida. From 2003 – 2006 the National Enquirer reported extensively about his drug abuse. Since the end of 2006, there has been no negative reporting of Limbaugh in that tabloid.
Soap Opera Politics Volume 1, Issue 24
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reille_Hunter no children
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26216035 $14K April 2007 – One America PAC
http://www.fertilityover40.com/ fertility over 40
Another explanation of all of this is that she believed like Dee that a woman is unlikely to get pregnant in her 40s so why bother with a condom. Although I has several older siblings which Dee suggests makes a difference my mother was 43 when I was born. I believe one of my sisters also had a child in her 40s.
As public figures Limbaugh et al probably can't sue Dee for defamation or libel but it is an interesting thought.
Dee, you should start your own tabloid! This was pretty funny.
I didn't realize Elizabeth learned of the affair the day "after" Edwards announced his run for presidency. Imagine what she was faced with. One day they joyously announce his run for presidency. The next he tells her he had affair. So, here Elizabeth is thrust into the spotlight at the same time she is bearing the news of her husband's infidelity. He couldn't have picked a better way to kick a woman while she's down.
Your Right Ulitma, Dee cannot be sued by RUSH because she merely suggests. Look at the title, "[IS] Rush Limbaugh Reille Hunter's Sugar Daddy?" She doesn't "state" Rush L [IS] the sugar daddy, Dee merely poses the question. Which it does make sense, if it's one thing the right wing nuts love to do is swift boat to make the other side look worse than it already does. They froth at the mouth over the idea (lol, my fav saying)
Did you ever hear the saying women often use, "my biological clock is ticking?"
The longer a woman waits to get pregnant the FIRST TIME, the more difficult it is to get pregnant.
Often, you hear of hollywood types who waited until their 30s to get pregnant then they have to take all kinds of fertility pills and use several methods to get pregnant.
You are also right. IF a woman has been pregnant before, it is not as difficult to become pregnant in your 40s.
Ask any woman. She will tell you. Ask any gynecologist. They will tell you.
We all know this.
She went 43 years without getting pregnant. This pregnancy was NO ACCIDENT.
Dianne, Yes. What a jerk he was!
Imagine what the poor woman has gone through for this man.
LMJ, You are right. They are frothing right now, especially Limbaugh. He has been after Edwards about this since last year. He was the first shock jock to go after Edwards.
The timing of this is all too convenient!!
Don't get me wrong, I am FARRR from defending Edwards. There's not much lower things that you can do to another human being in this world than what he did. I hope he gets everything coming to him. (napoleon dynamite) freaking' idiot!!!
Don't get me wrong, I am FARRR from defending Edwards. There's not much lower things that you can do to another human being in this world than what he did. I hope he gets everything coming to him. (napoleon dynamite) freaking' idiot!!!
What does any of this have to do with immigration talk which is the title of this blog?
Pat, Look at my Mission! We talk about Immigration AND Politics!
Rush Limbaugh isn't a politician.
Another Reference:
The biggest downside to putting off pregnancy until your 40s is significant: the longer you wait, the harder it is to get pregnant. This is principally because, as early as 15 years before a woman goes through menopause, the number of her eggs begins to decline and the eggs that are produced are more likely to have chromosomal problems that raise the risk for miscarriage and birth defects.
There's a big difference in egg viability between the early 40s and the mid to late 40s. "There's a steep drop in fertility in the 40s," says Julia Johnson, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology. "Your odds of getting pregnant at 41 are much better than they are at 43."
A recent study in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility confirms her point. Researchers found that 40-year-old women treated for infertility had a 25 per cent chance of achieving pregnancy using their own eggs. By age 43 that number dropped to 10 per cent, and by 44 it had plummeted still further to 1.6 per cent. Among women who did get pregnant, the miscarriage rate was 24 per cent for 40-year-olds, 38 per cent for 43-year-olds, and 54 per cent for 44-year-olds.
Fertility expert James Goldfarb says that, in his 30 years on the job, he has never seen a woman get pregnant with her own eggs after age 46. "It's like buying a lottery ticket," he says. "Yes, someone wins every once in a while, but you shouldn't bank on it." (Note: if you don't want to get pregnant, you shouldn't take this to mean that you can stop using contraception at 46. Instead you should wait until you are sure that you have stopped ovulating.)
Using a donor egg boosts the odds of getting pregnant considerably, and according to Dr Goldfarb, that's how most of the older celebrity mums are doing it, whether they admit it or not. "The fact that they don't talk about it openly does a real disservice to other women," he says. "We get at least one patient a month who comes in with the false hope that she can get pregnant using her own eggs."
Pregnancy complications are another concern. In your 40s you're more likely to develop problems like high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy, as well as placental problems and birth complications. Women over 40 have a higher risk of delivering a low-birth-weight or premature baby. Stillbirth rates are also higher, and studies show that children born to older mothers are themselves at increased risk of type-1 diabetes and high blood pressure.
And don't forget about your partner; his age can affect his fertility too. Although men are physically capable of fathering children in their 60s and even their 70s, sperm quality deteriorates with age, and there's a higher rate of genetic defects than there is with the sperm of younger men. In recent years clinical trials have found links between the father's age and genetically related conditions such as Down's syndrome and schizophrenia.
All these downsides can be disheartening, but don't forget that some women do get pregnant well into their 40s (Cherie Blair had her fourth child, Leo, at 45) and many of them have complication-free pregnancies and healthy babies. Plus, while older mothers may be at higher risk for pregnancy complications, the overall risk is low.
One more caveat: while there are financial advantages to waiting to have children, there may be liabilities as well. "If you wait, you're likely to have to continue working to an older age, for one thing," says financial planner Marnie Azner. "You'll still have financial responsibilities at a time when many of your friends are beginning to retire. If you haven't been putting aside money for retirement up until now, it's going to get even harder to do so after you have children. Other things become more expensive, too, like life and health insurance. Finally, if you have trouble getting pregnant, the cost of fertility treatments can really add up."
One more reference:
Does age affect fertility?
Women usually have some decrease in fertility starting in their early 30s. It often takes a woman in her mid-30s or older longer to conceive than a younger woman.
Women over age 35 may be less fertile than younger women because they tend to ovulate (release an egg from the ovaries) less frequently. Certain health conditions that are more common in this age group also may contribute. For example, women over age 35 are more likely to have endometriosis, a condition in which tissue attaches to the ovaries or fallopian tubes, sometimes interfering with conception.
A woman over age 35 should consult her health care provider if she has not conceived after six months of trying. Studies suggest that about one-third of women between 35 and 39 and about half of those over age 40 have fertility problems (2). Many fertility problems can be treated successfully.
As long as we are into the hypothetical Limbaugh Reille conspiracy (Dee's own little swift boat operation) perhaps we should hypothesize about private conversations between Rev. Wright and Nobama as follows:
Nobama: So what do I need to do to facilitate my political career?
Wright: Well, for openers, you need to distance yourself from Islam.
Nobama: How do I do that?
Wright: Well, you have to do as I have done, renounce any connection with the Muslims and establish a long term relationship with a Christian church. You can begin today by joining my church. The Muslims will understand the necessity of this and rejoice in the fact that someone with an understanding of Islam is running for public office. They know that this is not the right time for most Islamic candidates to come out of the closet. You don’t really have to become a Christian. This can be just a façade.
Nobama: What else?
Wright: Well, you need to be in attendance fairly regularly and when an event like a marriage or baptism occurs make sure to use this church. That will give you a long term and consistent record as a Christian despite your previous education and the religion of your father.
Nobama: Is there anything else I should do?
Wright: I can be outspoken but you can’t afford to be because every word you utter and every business dealing you are involved in will be thoroughly scrutinized by your opponents and their organizations. You can’t really let the voters know who you are and what you believe. You have to promise everything the rabble seems to want and make it sound as though you will and can deliver if elected. You have to use race to your advantage by suggesting subtly that anyone who opposes you does so because they are racist.
Nobama: What about the Blacks?
Wright: You can appeal to them with similar racist logic. You need to claim to be Black and downplay the fact that you are biracial. Offer them money -- another rebate check or reverse income tax. If you have ever been in a tax preparation office in the South, you would have seen the Blacks queuing up for their tax refunds even though they have paid no taxes. They are pretty much already in your pocket but you need to make sure that you don’t leave the impression that you are taking them for granted. Work the class struggle as a Communist would. Emphasize the unfair profits of large corporations and the wealth of those who live on capital gains and dividends without lifting a finger to work. Be prepared to answer questions about how any increase in taxes on capital gains and dividends will adversely affect pension fund income on which many retirees depend. Move slowly to the right as the election progresses. You can renege on any of that rhetoric after your are elected.
I have some understanding of which you speak. My daughter in law got pregnant for the first time at age 38 and only with medical intervention.
I posted this article on dailykos and those folks beat me up!! (boo hoo) They took this article seriously vs my intent at "tongue in cheek" in response to Limbaugh´s attacks on Mrs. Edwards. I thought my scenario was much more likely than Limbaugh´s "Mrs Edwards was in on it" diatribe.
My response to him was, those that support Mrs Edwards can be just as outrageous as Limbaugh.
You would think dailykos would attempt to understand.
They have this tight group over there that doesnt like anyone else with a different perspective in. I post over there sometimes just to have another venue for my views.
Supposedly they are on the Dem-Liberal-Humanitarian side, but I think most of them are uppity Progressives.
I am always civil, but who knows how long they will allow me to post over there.
Yes. I know you will say you are right. My side has many different groups in it too!
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