Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another Reason to Increase Immigration Rates from Latin Countries


Defensores de Democracia said...

Three Videos : Katherine Figueroa (10) saw her parents arrested on the evening news, by Sheriff Arpaio - "I am extremely afraid of Sheriffs and had terrible pain and sufferings" - Katherine speaks before Congress

Katherine tells us that she is extremely afraid of Sheriffs
But she goes to Washington to fight against FEAR and to help children
However, she tells us that she has had terrible sufferings and pain
The interview in Spanish ( Third Video ) is more funny and spontaneous

She is a pawn in the Brutal Political "Anchor Babies" Game of Jan Brewer, Russell Pearce, Joe Arpaio, Tom Tancredo, etc ...

The Political Ambition and Greed of these politicians smells of inhumanity and unkindness, they are working for the unhappiness of many children, parents, and families. These Politicians have no respect for the U. S. Constitution and its 14th Amendment, they twist interpretations to fit their ambitions. ( They are idiots by the way ! )

"The Devil is the best interpreter of the Bible", my old grandma used to tell me.

First Video :

aartitube — May 30, 2010 — Katherine Figueroa (10) saw her parents arrested on the evening news. Sheriff Arpaio's deputies kept them in jail for 3 months. "I tried to go every day," she says, "but people had to work and couldn't take me." She emceed the May 29th march against SB 1070 and had people jumping to the chant "¡El que no brinque es migra!"

Katherine Figueroa - May 29 March Against SB 1070

Second Video :

AmericasVoiceEs — June 10, 2010 — Catherine Figueroa

Delegación de Arizona llega a Washington ( In English )

Third Video

Katherine goes to Washington to fight for the Rights of Children
She tells that she suffered a lot and is extremely afraid of Sheriffs

AmericasVoiceEs — June 10, 2010 — Catherine Figueroa

Delegación de Arizona llega a Washington

Look for the Videos in or watch them here directly :

Vicente Duque

Defensores de Democracia said...

Katherine Figueroa (10) is cute and adorable and the embodiment of Dora, the Explorer.

Let's make a movie wirh a Real Dora !


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