I came across this response to the ANTI's standard argument in a comment section of a blog I visited today. I thought I'd share it with my readers !
ANTI: I am pro-rule of law. If someone wants to immigrate here legally, from Mexico or otherwise, by all means let them. What I am opposed to is illegal immigrants crossing our borders and essentially giving a slap in the face to those who took the time to immigrate here legally and do things the right way. Are there people who are opposed to immigration in any form on racial grounds? Of course. Are there Hispanics who want a better life in a better country? Absolutely. Does that mean the US should open their borders completely? In my opinion, absolutely not. That's not xenophobic, ignorant, or racist at all. That's the law.
"Taking a bite out of the ANTI Argument" Response:
Except that the number that we will allow to legally immigrate is absurdly low. The number of guest worker visas available to all of Mexico is a few hundred per year and its even lower for Central and South American countries. Meanwhile, we let people take jobs and provide fake social security numbers without verification.
In other words, the law is a complete joke. It ignores the basic economics of a region filled with unskilled workers, right next to a nation that needs about twenty million unskilled workers - and I believe in free markets, do you? because illegal immigration is the free market trumping government.
Oh, and please go and find for me some legal immigrants who are outraged that others came here illegally, because I've never met a single one. In my experience, the only people up in arms about illegal immigration are the ones who suffer no direct harm from said illegals, and are benefiting from the cheap labor when they buy food, dine in many restuarants, stay in many hotels, etc.
You like people to obey the law? Me too. I also like the law to make sense, and some laws are just unbelievably stupid. I'm not going to drive 55 on a stretch of freeway where everybody is going 70, and I'm not going to expect people who see good paying (by their standards) jobs readily available, with no law enforcement stopping the employer from hiring them, when they are very poor and need the work to feed their family. I guess they could respect our law, even though we ourselves are hypocrites about it (enforcement is a joke), and they could starve, on principle.
But that's expecting a little much, don't you think? Since we need the workers, we employ the workers, and have for decades, how about we change the law to reflect reality? Create a guest worker program similar to the old bracero program (but without the corruption).
Or we could just keep complaining about these darn law breakers, while we keep hiring them and enjoying the fruits of their labor. The law as it is, is a farce. You don't have to be racist to be upset about illegal immigrants and wanting the current laws obeyed, but you do have to be a hypocrite.