Example: A person sees a group of Latinos at a Home Depot. They call the local police and say "There's a bunch of illeeegals out here if front of Home Depot. Cum n get'm!" The police do not respond to this report. The person takes pictures of the "illeegals" and records his call, then files a petition before court and says, "I spotted all of these illeegals and the dang cops never showed up." The police lose the case. The police pay court costs and the plea agreement indicates they will set up an "Illeegals Hot Line" so any citizen may call and report "illeegals" and the police say they will respond in 30 minutes to each call. The judge warns the police must not implement a policy restricting police responding to each call or risk being sued again.
Sounds reasonable? Do you think citizens will be satisfied with the establishment of a hotline and call only when they actually see an "illeegal"? No racial profiling? Do you think they just might call if they see legal citizens? Maybe someone should set up an "illeegals hotline" and see what kind of volume these hot lines will receive. Maybe we should determine the volume so we can ensure the volume will not detract the police from doing their real jobs, capturing violent, felonious criminals, drug cartels, etc and NOT landscapers. Do you think someone might set up such a hot line? Sound like a good idea? Just to test the volume of calls? Hmmm?
Oh wait! ICE set up a hotline policy last year. Let's see what happened to their volume.
SBSun reports:
Immigration violation tips flood ICE line
It's been a banner year for a toll-free tip line that citizens can call to report immigration violations. Fueled in part by citizens fed up with illegal immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials received nearly 100,000 calls to the tip line from Oct. 1 through the end of April. At this point in the previous fiscal year, the number was less than 64,000, said David Palmatier, chief of ICE's law enforcement support center in Williston, Vt.
"This current fiscal year is likely to be a record for us," he said.
Palmatier attributed the increase to an effective outreach campaign on the ICE website and extensive public service announcements in media outlets. The tip line was started in 2003 as part of Operation Predator, a campaign to crack down on international child pornography and child sex tourism. Palmatier said the effort was so successful ICE decided to expand it to cover all customs and immigration-related crimes.
But people calling to report low-level immigration violations, like a neighbor who might be an illegal immigrant, likely are not getting the responses they hope for. "We focus on criminal activity," Palmatier said. "We're not really set up to respond to administrative violations. We have to prioritize. ICE has taken the position of going after the worst of the worst. That means criminal aliens." Critics said part of ICE's job is to go after day laborers in hardware store parking lots. "That's sort of the place where ICE, even without a tip, should be looking for people," said Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (white nationalist John Tanton's group; Kris Kobach, author of sb1070 is a member of FAIR), a Washington-based group that seeks to reduce immigration. "These are the sorts of obvious places that there should be law enforcement." Mehlman recognizes ICE is hampered by limited resources.
"Obviously, there's a big job," Mehlman said. "You're going to need the manpower. That is one of the reasons we have strongly supported 287(g) and other programs designed to enlist the aid of local police." People calling the tip line can select from a menu of options, including reporting information about most-wanted fugitives, human trafficking and employment of illegal immigrants, drug smuggling, child pornography, terrorist activity and financial crimes.
An employee at the ICE call center in Vermont will collect as much information from the caller as possible. Tips are written up and instantly sent via computer to local ICE field offices. ICE's Los Angeles field office oversees the San Bernardino County area. About 60 people work in the call center. It's staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Wait times are about a minute, Palmatier said. Investigators in the field offices decide whether to follow up on leads based on local resources and priorities.
Palmatier said he couldn't say how many tips are received for specific activities. ICE also doesn't break down tips by regions of the country, he said. But he did say many of the calls are complaints about people working in the country illegally and the employers who hire them.
Other common tips involve allegations of people using fraudulent documents generated from fake Social Security numbers. Benefit fraud is another frequent complaint. An example is someone getting another person into the country through a false marriage.
Palmatier said ICE investigators do their best to respond to all tips, but they focus their resources on cases of criminal activity, public safety and national security.
Mehlman, the FAIR spokesman, said the public understandably is frustrated if someone calls the tip line several times and there is no action. (with sb1070, they can now sue the police if no action) He criticized the Obama administration for lacking "the political will" to enforce immigration laws except in cases involving serious or violent felons.
Latino activists said they don't mind if the tip line is used to help apprehend dangerous criminals or foil terrorist plots. "It's good as long as it's actually used for what it's intended," said Emilio Amaya, director of the San Bernardino Community Service Center, an immigrant support organization. "If it's just to turn in your neighbor because you don't like them, that's a problem." (this is the intent of sb1070)
Is it possible that "Dora, the Explorer" outsells "Barbie Doll" ?? - I need help from Ladies and Accountants for my data
I may be wrong !
According to some websites "Dora, the explorer" is selling $3.6 billions of dollars in merchandise - This seems to surpass the sales of Barbie.
Of course the two businesses are very different ( Mattel and
Nickelodeon ) and the accounting is a swamp and a nightmare that I can not understand.
It seems that the success of "Dora, the Explorer" is not only a racial phenomenon, but a TV and Internet Phenomenon. Dora approaches girls in the Internet and Movies in a stronger way than Barbie does. Dora surpasses Barbie in Internet Pages. Dora is less distant and more approachable.
I provide some link to the pages where I study Revenues, Sales and Profits of Mattel Corporation and Nickelodeon.
This is taken from several websites for investors and analysts ;
Results of Operations
Mattel Corporation
2009 Compared to 2008
Consolidated Results
Net sales for 2009 were $5.43 billion, an 8% decrease as compared to $5.92 billion in 2008, including unfavorable changes in currency exchange rates of 2 percentage points.
Worldwide gross sales of Mattel Girls & Boys Brands decreased 10% to $3.29 billion in 2009 as compared to 2008, including unfavorable changes in currency exchange rates of 3 percentage points.
Mattel Girls & Boys Brands US gross sales decreased 1% in 2008 as compared to 2007. Within this segment, gross sales of Barbie? decreased 7%, primarily driven by sales declines of Barbie Girls ?
Dora the Explorer is an adventurous little Latino girl, who made her TV debut in 1999 on Nickelodeon. Today the animated cutie has spawned an entire empire of goods, which includes everything from clothing and accessories to toys and books.
Magazine article from: Advertising Age ...marketing team. Nickelodeon has already racked up more than $3 billion in retail sales of Dora merchandise and 85,000 people attended a recent "Dora Live'' show at Radio City Music Hall. A current off-channel traveling Dora promotion, in which...
Discovery, Nickelodeon offer more than soap operas to Hispanic viewers; Kids, travel channels part of plan to establish roots in fertile market.(Discovery Communications Inc.)
Latino characters commonplace in kids’ TV
Nickelodeon hopes the Diego products to be released this fall will rival sales of Dora clothes, DVDs and toy kitchens, among hundreds of other items. With more than $3.6 billion in sales, Dora products outsell those of any other preschool character.
I expect your help with the accounting and Business Understanding -- I may be wrong !
Vicente Duque
Very nice topic. Interesting and debatable. Great job on this post.
Examiner.com : Pasadena California City Council voted 5-2 on Monday night to officially denounce the controversial Arizona immigration law
LA Liberal Examiner
Pasadena City Council votes to denounce Arizona SB 1070
By Uri Lerner
May 17, 2010
Pasadena City Council votes to denounce Arizona SB 1070
Some excerpts :
The Pasadena City Council voted 5-2 on Monday night to officially denounce the controversial Arizona immigration law. The council showed its support of a letter submitted by Mayor Gordon of Phoenix, AZ calling for denunciation of SB 1070.
A second resolution, calling for the federal government and Congress to act on the issue of immigration was passed unanimously by all members in attendance.
The 5 council members supporting the statement were led by Councilman Victor Gordo, who introduced the motion. Before public comments, Gordo argued that if immigration was taken out of the equation, SB 1070 simply requires Latino American citizens and legal residents to carry documentation of residency or risk arrest if they have a run-in with Police and this is unacceptable. As previous articles here have tried to show, amendments to SB 1070 have made even violations of municipal codes grounds for questioning resident status. These include even skateboarding on school property or the degree of tint in a car window. Councilman Gordo told an anecdote about how he was pulled while driving his employer's car once because someone had stolen the label tags. On that day he had forgotten his license at home and was therefore fined. Gordo pointed out that if that had happened in Arizona under SB 1070 he could have been arrested simply because his appearance and name suggest "reasonable suspicion".
Councilman Madison also supported the motion, giving a list of four reasons why the issue was within the scope of the City Council. Pasadena is home to many Latinos who may be affected by this law if they travel to Arizona. Furthermore, the debate is an issue of local control vs. state control vs. federal control of law enforcement; something all cities have a vested interest in. Also, Phoenix Mayor Gordon's letter was addressed to the Conference of Mayors, including Pasadena Mayor William Bogaard. Lastly, Councilman Madison considered it the duty of the council to act in opposition to something they consider evil, as implied by the famous quote by Edmund Burke.
Vicente Duque
Hello 911
I can see three Brown people from my window (damn, I wish it was Russia I could see from my window, sigh!)loitering by the bus stop. Please come and arrest them. I think they are day laborers. They are all carrying lunch pails. They might be terrorists or drug dealers hiding explosives or drugs inside the lunch pails. Please come and arrest them and keep ahmurka safe from the illegals.
It won't take very many sweeps of the day laborer areas before they get the message and the local police will receive fewer calls. People are not going to sue the police willynilly, only in the most egregious neglect of their jobs. We all know how ineffective any other approach is; for example, in sanctuary cities the police are handcuffed and prohibited from providing the assistance that is vital to the effectiveness of ICE. ICE agents are spread too thin so it is imperative that local police have the authority and responsibility to assist them in every way possible. Citizens should be able to hold the police responsible for this. This is not a diversion but a law enforcement effort that should have been a part of the police's mission in every city and county.
It keeps coming back to the question of how else to achieve the objective of identifying and apprehending illegals. If you don't believe in that, then that becomes the basis for objecting to all of the effective ways of performing that mission. I think that puts you on the wrong side of the law and raises serious question about your loyalty to the rule of law.
All Latinos will be terrorized by this aspect of the bill. ICE's hotline is already getting 100,000 calls. Can you imagine how many wacko callers will be calling local police to come out and arrest the latinos they see that they think are illeeegals?
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