With all the brouhaha regarding the building of the Community Center Mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, Islamophobia is rising to a frothing, violent frenzy in some Americans! On Tuesday, a drunk upstate New York filmmaker who had recently returned from Afghanistan where he was filming the Marines took his anger out on a Muslim cabbie -- asking the driver if he was a Muslim before brutally attacking him with a knife, police said. The attack occurred at about 6 p.m. Tuesday after Michael Enright, 21, of Brewster, hailed a yellow cab at the corner of 24th Street and Second Avenue, police said.
While the two engaged in a conversation, Enright asked the driver, Sharif Ahmed, "Are you Muslim?" Ahmed, 43, responded, "Yes." At one point, Enright greeted Ahmed by saying, "Al salaam aalaykum" -- the Arabic greeting meaning, "Peace upon you."
Ahmed replied, "Wa alaikum salaam" -- meaning, "And on you be peace!" "Then, he asked me how my Ramadan was going," Ahmed told The Post in an interview this afternoon, adding that Enright had a sarcastic tone. As the cab neared east 41st Street, about a block away from Enright's destination at 42nd Street and Third Avenue, he barked, "This is the checkpoint motherf---er. I have to f--- you up this time," police said.
That's when Enright allegedly pulled out a silver-colored folding knife and slashed Ahmed in the throat, arm and face through the taxicab partition. Ahmed was briefly able to lock the man inside the cab, but Enright was able to open the door and run off. The driver ran after Enright and was able to flag a police officer on patrol along Third Avenue, who spotted the filmmaker sitting in the middle of the street blocking traffic. Ahmed identified Enright to the cop as his attacker.
"I [told the cop]: He stabbed me because I’m Muslim," Ahmed said. The knife used in the attack was not found. Ahmed was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition. His received stitches for his wounds and was released. “I’ve lived in this country for 35 years," Ahmed said. "I’ve worked hard. This country has helped me a lot. Before yesterday, I never felt like I didn’t belong here."
Enright, who was intoxicated at the time of his arrest, was also taken to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation, police said. The accused attacker told cops he works for an Internet media company and had recently spent time with a combat unit in Afghanistan filming military exercises until this past May. On the youtube trailer for Enright's "Home of the Brave" film about his military friends in Afghanistan, Enright filmed his friend saying, "I joined the Marine corps to literally get rid of all the bad people in the world." (at minute 1:40) Is that what Islamophobic Enright thought he was doing?
This is a wake-up call for All Americans! Follow the words of our Founding Fathers! Our Country was founded on Religious Freedom and All Men/Women are Created Equal! Give Peace a Chance!
As I think more about this terrible incident, I can't help but think Enright's words mean something: "This is a checkpoint MFer. I have to F' YOU up THIS TIME."
Does it mean he is blaming this American cabbie for 911?
Does it mean this is a start of a series of attacks against Muslim Americans?
"This is a Checkpoint." It has to mean something. We know what a Military Checkpoint is. What could Enright have meant? Why did he say -- It's your turn "THIS TIME!"
Here is
Enright's Flicker Page
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