I will be capturing pictures of Beck's Racist event.
Let's COUNT the number of Minorities attending Beck's RACIST event.
Let's COUNT the number of RACIST Signs.
Let's COUNT the sidearms/weapons these Racist Extremists are Carrying.
Hopefully the TRUE Supporters of MLKs message will far surpass the zealots from the racist Evil right!
Dee :
I copied this note from you and posted it here
and here :
Dee from Texas says : "Let's Count the Minorities At Beck's Racist Rally!" - "Let's Count the number of RACIST Signs" - "Let's COUNT the sidearms/weapons these Racist Extremists are Carrying"
I included links to your article on Glenn Beck.
Vicente Duque
Sidearms at the rally? That's a one way ticket to jail in DC where all these fine white folks would be locked up with the darkies! And intriguing idea
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